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5 Reasons For Planting Trees

Marzo 2024

Te invitamos a ser parte del bosque.

Desde ReforestArg buscamos restaurar bosques y almas, expandir conciencias y embellecer la Tierra.

Por eso, queremos invitarlos al RefoFest: un espacio para encontrarnos, compartir y recaudar fondos para plantar más árboles.

No es un festival más, es un día para vivir las mejores experiencias.

Por cada persona, vamos a plantar 5 árboles nativos en un bosque incendiado en Cholila, Chubut.


Forests protect the soil from heavy rainfall preventing hydric erosion. When there is no cover to intercept raindrops, they impact violently on the bare soil producing the disaggregation of particles that are then transported to lower areas or water bodies. In this way, soils are lost, and there is a risk that forests will turn into deserts. Day after day, soil comes off from its original place. Without soil, the forest regeneration capacity is drastically reduced.

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